Global Business Builders

Engage, Enable, and Encourage Micro and Small Business Owners  Globally and Locally

A Scaleable App for Smartphones with Curated and Created Content and Seamless Portals to In-App and Online Communities

In a rapidly evolving global economy, entrepreneurship stands as a beacon of hope, innovation, and resilience. However, for many aspiring entrepreneurs, especially those in the developing world, access to quality resources and support remains a significant challenge. Our vision is to bridge this gap through a revolutionary mobile app that serves as a comprehensive platform for struggling new businesses and micro-businesses, providing motivational content, subject-matter expertise, and invaluable networking opportunities.


The Problem:

Across the globe, aspiring entrepreneurs face formidable obstacles on their journey to success. In the developing world, limited access to resources and mentorship stifles innovation and economic growth. Meanwhile, in the developed world, entrepreneurs grapple with fierce competition and the constant need to stay ahead in an ever-changing market landscape. Traditional support systems often fall short, leaving many entrepreneurs feeling isolated and overwhelmed.


Our story:


In 1994, amidst the dawn of democracy in South Africa, I teamed with a fellow volunteer to empower unemployed youth in a township. What began as a course on job search skills quickly evolved into something much more profound — a lesson in entrepreneurship born out of necessity.


As we navigated the challenges of job scarcity, it became evident that traditional employment avenues were limited. In response, we pivoted towards equipping our students with the tools and knowledge needed to start their own businesses. However, the journey was fraught with obstacles. Our students, while driven by integrity and determination, lacked essential skills in business literacy and numeracy and the vital ingredient - confidence.


Despite the euphoria of democracy, the promise of fair fund distribution remained elusive, exacerbating the challenges faced by entrepreneurs. Whether in the bustling townships of South Africa or the economic landscapes of the West, aspiring entrepreneurs face similar struggles—limited resources, isolation, and a lack of support. is registered by Future Growth Lab Ltd registered in England and Wales.  It is being used with permission to display this funders information.  email with any questions.